In the words of Whitesnake, ‘Here I go Again’… Whether you are in the current lockdown in Melbourne or another place on the globe, it’s likely that you’ve experienced some form of isolation in the last 12 months.
In 2020, we put together a playlist for each letter of the alphabet that was drawn from the starting initial of an artist, band, album or song. It turns out that when you do this 26 times and put all 26 playlists together, you end up with one hell of an eclectic playlist that mixes genres for around 148 hours. In fact, with the new week long lockdown we have in Melbourne right now, you could hit play and leave it running until we ‘in theory’ finish up the snap.
This playlist kept us and our YMR friends going through some tough times last year, so if you need some audio stimulation, go ahead and press that play button AND more importantly HIT SHUFFLE to see what craziness follows each track. It is quite a ride!
Stay safe people.