Parade – Light Me Up (Free Download)

We’re big on up and coming talent, whether there’s a juggernaut behind it or whether there’s just a little old band in the mix.  Either way, if there’s an awesome track or album in the wind, we are always behind it. Parade is definitely that you should be getting behind!!

The track and band in question that we want to raise to your attention is Parade and their track ‘Light Me Up’.  This one has been sitting in our inbox for some time and we finally got to it today and we were pleasantly surprised with how awesome it is.  A guilty pleasure that we apologise for taking the time to bring to you….it is a thunderous track of joy!!!

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Not only is this an awesome song, but you can get it for free above too!!!

About Parade

Check out the awesome lyric video below too!!


About Graham Porter

Founder of YMR and has been trying to make a difference for unsigned, up and coming artists and all things great in music since 2011.

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